Goodbye 2012. I'm really glad the world did not end this year because I still have lots to do and couldn't make that December 21st deadline.
When I begin to recall the year, at first I cannot escape the last few months. The affects still have a hold of me. The holidays have a way of doing that to me. But if I allow myself to move past all the tinsel and wrapping paper, past the horrific shootings at Sandy Hook that seem to haunt me daily, past the election craziness, and the pumpkins and skeletons of Halloween... I begin to remember the past year in it's entirety.
My year began with creativity. As an author I had to focus on editing my book, gaining reviewers, and shooting a video teaser for the novel that would be published in April of 2012. As a musician it was all about recording an album, making a music video and the release of the best album I have ever been a part of, 'The Lovers' by Wall of Tom was released in May of 2012.
Then came lots of promotions, interviews, and PR surrounding 'This Rock in My Heart' release and I happily did my first book signing in Los Angeles. That seemed to take up most of my time in the early summer, and now that I am working on my second novel, 'This Roll in My Soul', and it will take up most of my creative time till it's release in the fall of 2013.
As a Mommy I had a spectacular year with my son, and watching him grow gives me so much joy daily. I love to review the past year in photos just to see all the wonderful changes that he has gone through. As a family we did a lot of traveling to our favorite getaway Santa Ynez, during the summer and fall. We even fancied the idea of moving there, but it seems not to be the path we are on at the moment since Los Angeles was not quite done with us yet.
We lost our beloved kitty in November and the healing is still happening every day. He watches over us and we feel him everywhere, we missed him greatly over the holidays but somehow I believe he is with us, if only in our hearts.
Looking to 2013 I see a lot of exciting things happening, a few are cooking at this moment and I cannot wait to share the news as soon as I can. I have a lot of work to do, but I am going to create some time for learning as well. I do have goals, very concrete goals, some with deadlines, some just for my own well being. One is that I really want to take my yoga practice to the next level, and look forward to deepening my practice, giving it more time in my busy schedule. Of course I want to complete my second book, but I still want to focus on getting the word out with creative PR on my first book. I want to continue with my 'Readers of the Rock' campaign, and I've got a few doozies up my sleeve for the new year. Music wise, I would love love to play some shows and get my butt back up on stage before I forget how to do what I love to do.
I am so thankful for my beautiful family, my husband who I get to laugh with and love every day, for my son who lights up my world like the brightest star on top of my Christmas tree. I am so thankful for my Father and Mother who are still alive and kicking ass, my ass when needed, but your love is always constant, and your laughter fills my soul. My sister who inspires me with her strength and passion for living, her four gorgeous children- my niece and three nephews, my first loves, who are more like adults now than kids, but I enjoy all their ups and downs like they were my own. My step Mother who always lends a loving ear, more like my friend than parent, and to my second family, on my husbands side who are the most loving and supportive second family anyone could ever ask for. Lastly I am so truly grateful for my tribe. My beautiful friends whom I cherish deeply, through all my connections in life I have been so fortunate to come across some incredible souls... and even if we don't get to be together on a daily basis, you all are with me in my heart, and that is why it beats so strongly. I am truly blessed.
So here is to 2013, I'm gonna do my damnedest to make it one hell of a goody, and I hope you will do the same thing. Chase your dreams, where ever they will take you. Follow the light of happiness for it will lead you to places of true joy. And never give up, no matter what the odds. Life is about living it to your fullest potential. Love to your deepest capacity, and never forget to tell those around you that you love them. Our moments are precious, Cherish every one. Happy New Year Everyone!!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Goodbye my little furry friend
On Tuesday, November 13th, 2012, I said goodbye to my best friend. My fat black and
white tuxedo cat. My Moocher. He found me through a friend, who had found him
begging in front of a Starbucks. She named him Saffron but couldn’t keep him
since she already had two cats of her own. The first day I saw him, he was in
her car on the way to the vet for a check up. She had told me that she had
found an older kitten and needed to find a good home for him. I had wanted a
kitty so I took a peek. When I looked into her car, at first I couldn’t see
him. He was hiding under her seat and when I finally saw him, all I could see
was his whiskers. The longest white whiskers on a tiny black and white cat. I
fell in love in that instant and told her that I wanted to adopt him.
That was about sixteen years ago. I couldn’t keep the name
Saffron because it didn’t suit him, he was a mooch, and he loved food, all
kinds of it… and his belly became as big as his heart over the years. He was
with me through it all. My divorce. Moving to Hollywood. He was my best little
buddy. My confidant. My muse. My bedtime teddy bear. My acrobat. My paper
shredder. My midnight piano player. My vacuum cleaner. He was more like a dog,
than any cat I have ever met. In that beautiful black and white fur coat, I
dried many tears. Into those big yellow eyes I sang many songs. With his playtime,
he would hide and rear up on his hind legs to wrap his paws around my leg and
tackle me as I walked by, then run away as fast as he could, I’m sure laughing
the whole way at my screams. He would chase his tail to such delight that he
would do summersaults across the entire room and I would laugh hysterically at
his antics. He fell in love with Tony before I did, and with every visit their
‘wrestling’ would become the highlight of Moochers day. I think that was one of
the things that made me fall in love with Tony and see him as more than a
friend and band mate… he played so well with my ‘child’, my cat, I knew he
loved him as much as I did. My ex didn’t even like Moocher that much, he just
tolerated him because I had wanted the kitty so damn much.
Tony became the only Daddy Moocher would ever know, and he
loved Tony more than me I think sometimes. We threw parties for his birthdays;
we dressed him up for Halloween. We even had a place at the table for him at
Thanksgiving (his favorite holiday), and he had a stocking filled with toy mice
and treats for every Christmas. Like most cats, he went through quite a few of
his lives. We thought we had lost him once when he escaped through a window at
my studio apartment in Hollywood, but thankfully we found him quickly before he
found his way to the street. Then about seven years ago, when I moved in with
Tony and I let Moocher go outside in the yard, he got really sick, twice, and
the vets had urged me to put him down, thinking he had feline leukemia. We did
everything we could for him, blood transfusions, oxygen tanks, IV’s, you name
it, and we did it. He recovered
perfectly and we called him a super kitty after the second testing of negative
for the disease.
When I became pregnant I was worried how Moocher would
react. He had been my ‘only child’ for so long, I felt maybe he would hate the
baby. But as my belly grew, Moocher knew, and he would sleep with his arms and
head on my belly and purr as the baby would kick at night, it was like they had
their own language. The day I brought
Tyler home, Moocher acted like he had always known him and loved him, and the
baby loved his kitty with his eyes until his little hands could grasp that cat’s
fur. Mooch put up with so much torture from Tyler, and not once would he
scratch or bite the baby, even if the baby was trying to pull the cat’s tail
off. As Tyler grew, so did their games, and sadly since I was so pre-occupied
with raising a child I didn’t notice that my beloved kitty was losing weight.
Well, I did notice, but I told myself that he was just getting older. He still
loved to play, and he and his little ‘brother’ would run all over the house
chasing each other. He still would beg at every meal, and had learned the best
part of having a toddler in the house was the food that missed the baby’s mouth,
would fall on the floor, and he sat at the baby’s feet beside his high chair
and wait for the inevitable.
He seemed to grow more inactive in the past few weeks and
suddenly he stopped eating all together. We knew something was terribly wrong. I
cried at his weight loss and begged him to eat but after a trip to the vet and
many tests, we found out the news of stomach cancer that was too advanced and
incurable. We said our goodbyes this afternoon and I held him till he was gone.
I loved Moocher more than I have ever loved any pet. He was a huge part of our
family. I can’t imagine another, and my heart hurts so badly now, that I don’t
want to. The hardest part of it all is not crying in front of Tyler, who seems
to understand that his kitty was very sick, but doesn’t know why the doctor
could not ‘fix’ it. He may not remember any of it, or he may never forget. I
know I won’t. Thank you Moocher for finding me. Thank you Moocher for all the years
of unwavering love. Thank you Moocher, my kitty, my best friend.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
November's 'Reader of the Rock' is...
“This Rock in my Heart speaks directly to the will of an artist, striking a power chord with anyone who’s ever wielded an air guitar. Frankie Spencer stage dives off the page as a woman trying to make it happen in Hollywood as she courageously leaves everything behind that had been holding her back. Through Frankie, we revel in her rock-fueled journey amid the rancor, heartache and hidden fears that manifest when all you want to do is show what you've got. Tommie Vaughn has created a memorable and inspiring character who's as warm as she is edgy and brings the reader on a tumultuous yet uplifting journey that proves anything is possible with persistence, a little hard work and a whole lotta heart.”
~David & Gennefer Gross, TV Writers / Producers
How cool is that?! Thanks so much Dave and Genn! I am honored to have such a dynamic writing team review my novel.
Much love,
Tommie V
Friday, November 2, 2012
Rock your Vote!
I'm sitting here on a lovely Friday afternoon at the DMV, waiting to renew my drivers license. Not my ideal way I wanted to spend my day, but I must do this If I want to vote on Tuesday.
I cannot stress enough how important this election is, especially for women's rights. Every vote counts and there are many important propositions that need your vote, as well as the presidential candidates.
It will be worth every hour spent in this plastic chair, to cast my ballot on Tuesday.
See you at the polls!
I cannot stress enough how important this election is, especially for women's rights. Every vote counts and there are many important propositions that need your vote, as well as the presidential candidates.
It will be worth every hour spent in this plastic chair, to cast my ballot on Tuesday.
See you at the polls!
Friday, October 5, 2012
In her debut novel “This Rock In My Heart,” Tommie Vaughn offers a juicy & insightful look into the Hollywood music scene. Teetering on that fine line between fact & fiction, Tommie clearly taps into her own wealth of personal experience to give the reader a sneak peak inside the head of a true artist struggling to make it in the City of Angels.
The book’s main character, Frankie Spencer, is so down to earth & likeable. She is someone I would totally want to hang out & drink red wine with! She exudes both confidence and vulnerability as well as a natural honesty and beauty that shines through on each page. She’s definitely a rare breed in a town full of fake tits & gold diggers. If there’s one thing I learned from Frankie Spencer, it’s that it’s who you KNOW not who you blow!!
Seriously though, this book both inspires me as an artist and at the same time makes me feel nostalgic about my own days of being a struggling musician full of hope, fear & Ramen noodles. If you’re looking for a fun, lighthearted read with just enough steamy romance to keep the pages turning, then look no further. This book is definitely for you!
~Abby Gennet
Slunt, Riot Brides
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Go Ahead and do it... Expressing Motherhood
A good friend of mine was doing a play, or reading, or skit. I'm not sure what she called it, but she asked me if I would like to come and watch. She said it was kind of like the Vagina Monologues, except it was about Motherhood. Hmmmmmm.
Well, I thought, Motherhood starts with a vagina so this can't be too far off. She said basically the play was about real women's different stories, all about five minutes tops, on how motherhood has changed their lives. I love my friend and was very proud that she was putting herself and her writing out there, so of course I had to support.
I don't know what I was expecting, a bunch of mom's bitching about their kids, the lives they had before, the bodies that would never be the same. I mean, I'm a mommy and I know it's all true, but I guess my preconceived notion of what this show was going to be about didn't grab me right off the bat. In my life I have tried to do so much... with my music, with my writing, my art and now being a mom. Sure I bitched about some of it to my closest friends, but to a group of strangers? It didn't sound like much fun. I don't know what I was so worried about, but it didn't matter, my friend was going for her dreams and I had to be there. I knew the piece that she was reading was super funny, as she had practiced it on me a few times, so I hoped for the best, dolled myself up and took my little ole' ass down to the Sunday afternoon show at the Banshee Theater on Magnolia Boulevard, in Burbank.
I had been double booked that day, and my husband had to go to work early, leaving me at a loss of a babysitter, but my friend assured me that she was in the first half of the show, and I could easily leave after her reading. I felt a bit guilty about it, but still I was relieved that I wouldn't be forced into two hours of this thing and I wouldn't have to miss my sweet friends performance either.
As I sat in the back row, in the closest seat to the door so I could run out of there as soon as my friend finished, I looked around the tiny theater with open interest. It was a lovely timeless theatre, seating around 60-70 people, and today it was filled with women. Women of all ages, shapes and sizes, huddled in groups of two or three, all happily chatting to each other. There were even a few men, who had expressions that seemed to mirror my own inner fears of 'Good Lord, what am I doing here?'
It was about then that I felt it. The comradery of motherhood. The comradery of women. We were a special club, that only those with stretch marks could attend. People can lecture you about how to raise a child, how to get your body, your sex drive, your relationships back after giving birth to another human being, they may even have a PhDs. on the subject... but until they themselves go through the act of pushing a watermelon out of their vagina, they don't know what the fuck they are talking about. And they are not invited in this club.
It was about this moment that I began to smile to myself as I started to flip through the program of 'Expressing Motherhood'. I learned that this show had been created by two friends, two mothers of course, named Lindsay Kavet and Jessica Cribbs back in 2008. Not too shabby, I thought. A lot of bands didn't last that long, so these girls must have been doing something right.
As I began to read about the different performers, thier biography's were indeed all so varied, from every walk of life. A few actors sure, some comediennes, my sweet friend Jaquelyn De Longe with her 'I'm a hottie mommy' photo, a lot of writers, and a handful of regular moms. The bio's were so cleverly written I had to stifle my laughter, feeling like the typical girl in the back row of class, that was always causing trouble. I started to relax and look forward to the dimming of the lights, that seemed to come immediately after I had thunk it.
The play begins with the two lovely gals who created the play, Lindsay and Jessica who welcome everyone, give back with a raffle of cool gifts, and a final word of 'relax and enjoy, someone else is taking care of your kids.' Which made the entire audience chuckle. The lights dim again and the first performer walks onto the stage.
I admit it. I loved this show. I laughed out loud. I openly cried. And was pissed as hell when I had to leave early. I actually stayed longer than I should have, I couldn't pry myself away. I was having too much fun. The women reminded me of everything that I had feared about becoming a mother. About becoming so human that I felt everything around me, good and bad, and could no longer only focus on what I wanted, what I thought was important in MY world.
I had motherhood all wrong. I thought you lost everything when you had a child, when in truth you gain everything, and then some. Becoming a mommy to me has been the greatest blessing, that I had always thought, was not going to be a part of my chosen rock n roll life.
I had Expressing Motherhood all wrong too. I'm going back this Saturday night to watch the entire show if anyone wants to join me? If you can't do Saturday night, there is a show on Friday and two on Sunday as well, but then it's over and you will have surly missed something special. These women are brilliant, funny and real. As they bravely walk on stage and tell their five minute monologue, it gives you just a peek of what it's like to be a Mom. Without any fear of stretch marks.
Find out more information about the show here:
Well, I thought, Motherhood starts with a vagina so this can't be too far off. She said basically the play was about real women's different stories, all about five minutes tops, on how motherhood has changed their lives. I love my friend and was very proud that she was putting herself and her writing out there, so of course I had to support.
I don't know what I was expecting, a bunch of mom's bitching about their kids, the lives they had before, the bodies that would never be the same. I mean, I'm a mommy and I know it's all true, but I guess my preconceived notion of what this show was going to be about didn't grab me right off the bat. In my life I have tried to do so much... with my music, with my writing, my art and now being a mom. Sure I bitched about some of it to my closest friends, but to a group of strangers? It didn't sound like much fun. I don't know what I was so worried about, but it didn't matter, my friend was going for her dreams and I had to be there. I knew the piece that she was reading was super funny, as she had practiced it on me a few times, so I hoped for the best, dolled myself up and took my little ole' ass down to the Sunday afternoon show at the Banshee Theater on Magnolia Boulevard, in Burbank.
I had been double booked that day, and my husband had to go to work early, leaving me at a loss of a babysitter, but my friend assured me that she was in the first half of the show, and I could easily leave after her reading. I felt a bit guilty about it, but still I was relieved that I wouldn't be forced into two hours of this thing and I wouldn't have to miss my sweet friends performance either.
As I sat in the back row, in the closest seat to the door so I could run out of there as soon as my friend finished, I looked around the tiny theater with open interest. It was a lovely timeless theatre, seating around 60-70 people, and today it was filled with women. Women of all ages, shapes and sizes, huddled in groups of two or three, all happily chatting to each other. There were even a few men, who had expressions that seemed to mirror my own inner fears of 'Good Lord, what am I doing here?'
It was about then that I felt it. The comradery of motherhood. The comradery of women. We were a special club, that only those with stretch marks could attend. People can lecture you about how to raise a child, how to get your body, your sex drive, your relationships back after giving birth to another human being, they may even have a PhDs. on the subject... but until they themselves go through the act of pushing a watermelon out of their vagina, they don't know what the fuck they are talking about. And they are not invited in this club.
It was about this moment that I began to smile to myself as I started to flip through the program of 'Expressing Motherhood'. I learned that this show had been created by two friends, two mothers of course, named Lindsay Kavet and Jessica Cribbs back in 2008. Not too shabby, I thought. A lot of bands didn't last that long, so these girls must have been doing something right.
As I began to read about the different performers, thier biography's were indeed all so varied, from every walk of life. A few actors sure, some comediennes, my sweet friend Jaquelyn De Longe with her 'I'm a hottie mommy' photo, a lot of writers, and a handful of regular moms. The bio's were so cleverly written I had to stifle my laughter, feeling like the typical girl in the back row of class, that was always causing trouble. I started to relax and look forward to the dimming of the lights, that seemed to come immediately after I had thunk it.
The play begins with the two lovely gals who created the play, Lindsay and Jessica who welcome everyone, give back with a raffle of cool gifts, and a final word of 'relax and enjoy, someone else is taking care of your kids.' Which made the entire audience chuckle. The lights dim again and the first performer walks onto the stage.
I admit it. I loved this show. I laughed out loud. I openly cried. And was pissed as hell when I had to leave early. I actually stayed longer than I should have, I couldn't pry myself away. I was having too much fun. The women reminded me of everything that I had feared about becoming a mother. About becoming so human that I felt everything around me, good and bad, and could no longer only focus on what I wanted, what I thought was important in MY world.
I had motherhood all wrong. I thought you lost everything when you had a child, when in truth you gain everything, and then some. Becoming a mommy to me has been the greatest blessing, that I had always thought, was not going to be a part of my chosen rock n roll life.
I had Expressing Motherhood all wrong too. I'm going back this Saturday night to watch the entire show if anyone wants to join me? If you can't do Saturday night, there is a show on Friday and two on Sunday as well, but then it's over and you will have surly missed something special. These women are brilliant, funny and real. As they bravely walk on stage and tell their five minute monologue, it gives you just a peek of what it's like to be a Mom. Without any fear of stretch marks.
Find out more information about the show here:
Sunday, September 30, 2012
September's 'Reader of The Rock'
I love this one, the picture is so cool too! The Review from my 'Reader of the Rock' for September Is:
An intriguing story with a whole lotta wit and humor.
The stories could be true or not, but given what I've heard about Hollywood, I think
they're closer to true. An interesting perspective on a woman searching for her place in life and following her heart.
It's inspiring for anyone who's going through a change or starting a new path. An easy entertaining read. I would suggest it to anyone. My favorite character is Adrian.
~Anonymous Guitar Playing Clown
It's inspiring for anyone who's going through a change or starting a new path. An easy entertaining read. I would suggest it to anyone. My favorite character is Adrian.
~Anonymous Guitar Playing Clown
Saturday, September 29, 2012
I'm obsessed.
As I this moment I am only into Chapter three and 7,171 words, but I'm already enthralled. It haunts me now when I am not writing. That nagging feeling of something left undone.
I am even finding it hard to write these words, at this moment. My time is precious and the juices are flowing.
I will do my best to keep in touch over the next months, I have a review of this great new restaurant in NoHo that I will post in a day or two. But for now I must focus. Being a Mommy of a toddler is posing much more of a writers block, when I have to drop everything and chase after my son. I remember writing the first novel with one hand, cradling my infant son in the other all the while bouncing on a exercise ball. Really, that was so much easier than now.
Now I stay up till one or two AM, and my house cleaning has gone to shit. Whatever works right? I will find the balance, but as of now it is a brilliant beginning.
So many returning characters, some exciting new ones. Ok, that's all I have for now. The boy is beginning to fade and it's my time. I must return.
As always, follow your dreams. It's the only way to live.
Tommie V
As I this moment I am only into Chapter three and 7,171 words, but I'm already enthralled. It haunts me now when I am not writing. That nagging feeling of something left undone.
I am even finding it hard to write these words, at this moment. My time is precious and the juices are flowing.
I will do my best to keep in touch over the next months, I have a review of this great new restaurant in NoHo that I will post in a day or two. But for now I must focus. Being a Mommy of a toddler is posing much more of a writers block, when I have to drop everything and chase after my son. I remember writing the first novel with one hand, cradling my infant son in the other all the while bouncing on a exercise ball. Really, that was so much easier than now.
Now I stay up till one or two AM, and my house cleaning has gone to shit. Whatever works right? I will find the balance, but as of now it is a brilliant beginning.
So many returning characters, some exciting new ones. Ok, that's all I have for now. The boy is beginning to fade and it's my time. I must return.
As always, follow your dreams. It's the only way to live.
Tommie V
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Long over 'Doo
When I got the call that my gal was back in town, I couldn't get to Hollywood fast enough. Located on the coveted cove that is the actual 'Melrose Place' in West Hollywood. A hidden gem of gorgeous traditional architecture and shady tree's, a street that used to be known for it's antiques stores but has been taken over by the fashion elite. It is the retail home to the likes of Cloe', Marc Jacobs, Carolina Herrera, Oscar De La Renta, Joe's Jeans, Skin care to the stars Mrs. Kate Somerville and my destination for the afternoon... 8440 Melrose Place, the one and only Serge Normant at John Frieda salon. (In Los Angeles, that is)
Gushing with old world charm, the elegant extended foyer welcomes you into luxury, as you begin your metamorphosis from drab to fab. The glass doors hold no mystery as to what lies within, with a gorgeous Mediterranean blue pool, as the peaceful centerpiece to the salon's exquisite interior.

Once inside, a gleaming chrome desk mixes Industrial Chic and Eclectic Decor, behind it a helpful and purposely gorgeous receptionist, who is like a poster child of what these talented artistes are capable of, checks you in and alerts your colorist that you have arrived. Once you hit the dressing room and are properly gowned in a classic black wrap robe, with proper logo in gold embroidery, reminding you always, where you are and that you are ready to transform.
My colorist is the beautiful and uber talented, April Thorsten. I was referred to April by one of my besties, when my usual stylist was out of town. You see, I have a wonderful gal who has been styling my hair for videos and photo shoots for years. I am a loyal bird and was terrified to 'cheat' on her, but she was going to be out of town for quite some time so I gave April a shot. That was a year ago. I still have my stylist (xxo Brooklyn Stephen) to cut my hair and help with the on camera looks, but my colorist title now is held by April. Technically in the hair world, there are Stylists and Colorists, while most can do both, at John Frieda that is the way it goes. April is a master colorist, she has been the assistant to the coveted Bruno Etur, for the last two years, she is moving into her own and paving the way to a fabulous career. April is warm and so friendly that she instantly puts you at ease, knowing that all of the LA pretension, does not hold court with her.
Into the chair I happily go, stopping to snap a picture of my sad little 'before' face. It is hard to tell at this angle how drastically I needed this so I took one from the back too.
Holy Shit, this is bad. Of course I did mess with the color of these picts a bit, but I say this photo captures how I felt about my lifeless doo. It was time... let's get this hair party started.
Step 1: mix color- base. April uses 2 colors on my base... 3 parts one color similar to my natural shade and 1 part a tad darker, for depth. She then disperses with tint brush on all my roots. Then with a wide toothed comb, she combs down from the roots to help blend the color, so there is no harsh demarcation where the color ends.
Step 2: Add Lowlights. April strategically places lowlights around my head, to pull color from roots to ends. She paints them on with a wave of her magic wand and in my mind I am singing "goodbye gray hair, goodbye!"
I then get to sit for 30 minutes to set the color. April brings me a yummy cappuccino and we retreat to the outdoor poolside sitting area, to relax and catch up on the last few months happenings.
Step 3: It's time to rinse out the base color. April brings me to the rinse room, where I can recline in comfort, while she uses warm water to rinse color in bowl.
Step 4: Brow tinting.
Everyone has thier own fashion fopaux that we have made over the years, most of them we grow out of. Sadly, one of mine doesn't seem to grow much anymore. Being born half Spanish and the other half Irish, Cherokee and Choctaw... I had amazingly bushy eyebrows. So bushy, that I was a bit self conscious and began to tweeze at an early age. Then good ole' Kate Moss took the eyebrow world by storm with her pencil thin brows and well, therein lies my mistake. I tweezed so much that my brows are a mere shadow of themselves, so I must do what I can, to enhanse what I have now. That means brow tinting. April uses a low level developer of brow color, similar to my base color and applies it expertly with tiny brush on brows.
Step 5: Highlights at the bowl. April uses a technique called Balayage, a French term for 'painting the highlight' or actually, "sweeping" because they use a sweeping motion when they apply the color with a color brush. So rather than taking a section of hair in a square foil, they paint pieces of hair on a hand pallet, from the roots to the ends, seperating the layers with saran wrap. It's very artistic!!
I had to take a picture of the haunting Indian girl who watches over the rinse room. As I sit for 10 minutes to set my highlights I wonder what her life was. Is she a model in a staged atmosphere? Or is it a candid shot capturing one woman's essence with a single glance. I love the colors as well, but it is all about this once glance that gets me every time.
Step 6: Tinted gloss. After April rinses the highlight color from my hair and my eyebrow tint color as well, she then applies a tinted gloss to tone highlights, making highlights look more natural, adding an over all shine to hair. (Side Note: You can always add a clear gloss to a solid hair color, just for shine!) April applies with a brush at the roots, then works through with her fingers throughout the rest of my hair. Ohhh it smells so good too!! Doesn't sit long, maybe 2 min tops and she rinses with warm water. April then does a final shampoo and delightful scalp massage with John Frieda's Smooth Start Shampoo, finishing with JF's Moroccan Oil Conditioner. . Wonderful!
Step 7 Blow dry. After switching back to my original chair, April coats my wet hair with John Frieda's Satin Design White Tea Polishing Milk called Shu Uemura. Another one of John Frieda's awesome arsenal of products for sure!
She then begins to piece my hair into sections to blow out hair with her professional dryer using a round brush on each section till it lays perfectly around my shoulders. Can you tell in this picture how happy I am? My color is AMAZING and my brows are too!
The final touch is a Serge Normant shine spray and Whaaalaah! I am complete! Remember what my hair looked like before???? Wow! What an after picture!
To say I am happy is a complete understatement. I am reborn is more like it. No more gray's and my color is glowing like my smile of confidence. I highly suggest spoiling yourself at Serge Normant'. If you can't get on April's book then try, try again, or I'm sure any one of their colorists or stylist will help you create your own metamorphosis with ease.
Yes, it is a bit pricey, but I'm worth it. (Sorry, I had to say it) And really, there is no price that you can put on confidence. For some it's clothing, for others plastic surgery, but I think every girl needs to pamper herself with expert color. For me that's April Thorsten at John Frieda. Just do it, and tell em' I sent ya! Click HERE for more information on the salon and locations
Tommie V
Thursday, September 13, 2012
NY Fashion Week
NY Fashion Week is a time for all of us fashion fanatics to see what's new, what's hot and what's next, from our favorite designer mavens. Although some of us can't be there every year, we can all enjoy viewing the shows on the internet. Best seats in town, not one catty stare. I have been having fun pouring over the shows myself and thought I would share some of my favorite designers Spring 2013 collection pieces, where I would wear the item and why I like it.
Diane Von Furstonberg: I love her collection of flowing elegant fabrics and stylistic color blocking. I heart' this jumpsuit, it looks so comfy, that I would never want to take it off. 70's inspired? Maybe! The cut is sexy yet, the layers cover the models frame and flows with every step, creating excitement and intrigue with every shimmy and shake. I would wear this on a Caribbean cruse or even for a night out dancing at a hot new club, maybe minus the earrings that would probably rip my earlobes off, if I shook them all night long.
Vera Wang: I have a soft spot for Vera since she was the designer of my wedding dress. For Spring 2013 she looked to the "romantic beauty and sensuality of India," Lots of jewel tones in the very wearable collection, although my pick is of course my favorite color, black. I really dig this look, I call it 'I'm not quite dressed, but it's working anyway' Super rock n' roll hot, with the velveteen fabric and embellishments. I'm not even sure if it doesn't pull up over one shoulder as well for a second look, if not who cares, it's divine. I would wear this on Grammy night, maybe even the shoes too... although I probably would stick to ankle boots.. I might fall down in those heels.
Badgley Mischka: Although there were only a few pieces in this collection that were my style, the elegance and craftsmanship of the clothing was apparent, even if some of the pieces were a bit reserved. The cool aqua pastels, with just the right amount of shimmery elegance. The look I picked screams out femininity and flair so perfectly. I think the iridescent tweed-like pants would go with anything, dressed up or down, from the office to the upscale dining evening out. I would buy two pairs just so I could ensure having them forever. ;)
Rachel Zoe: Now I know that Rachel Zoe is not your classic designer and I have read a few scathing reviews about her line... but for me and my style, she seemed to do just fine. In all actuality I liked almost every piece she had. Soft flowing fabrics, lots of mix and match separates, all with just a hint of splendor and elegance. Sure, the look I picked is a bit long and again, with my clumsiness I may just fall ass over teakettle a few times, but wont I look great doing it? I hear from the catty's that her collection is sure to hit Kohls, so that is good news for all of us gals who love the high life but can only afford the middle. Wear her collection anywhere..well almost anywhere. I would wear it to a new art opening downtown, or a day of shopping with the girls.
Zac Posen: Wow. I cannot say enough about the gowns in the Zac Posen collection. Red carpet elegance with a throwback style of the 1940's old Hollywood style. The classic hourglass seemed to be his inspiration, with some of the gowns growing a mermaid like bottom. Although his evening wear gowns were absolutely stunning in colors like pumpkin satin and Bordeaux, it was the fabrics of tulle, satin and chiffon, that clung to the body creating a femininity and sexiness that we all crave in a ball gown. I chose one of his cocktail dresses, since I rarely go to a ball, but in this hip hugging beauty, I would have a ball wearing it. The color was seen on a few other runways, so I am picking this as one of the staple colors of Spring 2013. I would wear this to a party as well as a premier, I would even rock it out in a pair of ankle black boots with leather cuffs around my wrists, just to add a bit of Tommie Vaughn with the gorgeous gowns of Zac Posen.
Gosh I love fashion. Don't you?
For More looks and More fun, go to:Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week
Monday, September 10, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
It's Alive
They are alive... They are haunting my daydreams. As I sleep, they tinker with my brain. So much so, that Insomnia has become my nightly bed mate. Frankie Spencer and her pals, are beginning to breath again.
I have now begun, in earnest, writing the follow up to This Rock in My Heart.
This is gonna be one hell of a ride. I hope they are wearing seatbelts.
This Roll in My Soul.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Right Now
It seems with all the go go go of summer, there was a lot of time spent looking out... Looking out at where we were going, looking out at things that we were not in control of. Things like the future and where it was taking us. I think it happens to most of us. We start dreaming about what we want to accomplish in the world out there, so much so that, we forget to live in this very moment. Right Now.
I realized this fact the other day, when we were headed to the LA County fair and when we arrived it was closed for the day. I had spent so much time fantasizing on the picture of this perfect day, that I had created in my own mind, that when we finally arrived at the fairground gates and they told us the sad news, I felt like crying. It was like the little kid in me got so damn dissapointed, so utterly let down, that I had to stop and steady myself before my little boy could see his Mommy throw a tizzy. Thankfully for me, my son was asleep and really had no idea what the 'fair' was, so it was only my husband and I that had to realize, our entire day was not going as we had dreamed.
Instead of wallowing in despair, we decided that we still had control of our future and that we would go to the Long Beach aquarium instead. We knew our son would be just as excited to wake up to the fishes, as he would the fairgrounds, which he of course he was... and all was right in our world once again.
But it got me thinking. Instead of looking outside for the things that we need, things that will satisfy us in some way. Things, or places that we build up in our minds. Instead of all that out 'there', I have decided that I'm looking within. I'm noticing all that we have, in this very moment, in this very place, to enjoy. It is Fall anyways, so it's time to clean house, rediscover what you already have and get rid of the things that you don't use, things that you don't need anymore.
Our biggest problem in our home was that our sweet son had spilled over into three rooms. One being his nursery, that we had created for him before he was born. A magical room filled with musical tree's, one made by each of his parents, that connect in the middle to create a new sprout. This room is directly off our bedroom and it served us well as his nursery, him being so close to us. Once he turned One, we decided that he should have a 'big boy' room and turned one of our other bedrooms into his new room, keeping the whimsical room as a play room of sorts for him as well.
Now, it was about that time that our son decided that he no longer wanted to sleep in his crib, but wanted to sleep with us in our bed. Ohhhhhhhh Nooooooo.
Ohhhhhhh Yessssss. How can you say no to a face like this? I really did try though. For months, I would bring him back to his new big boy room. But, he didn't like it. We thought maybe he had outgrown his crib. That he was ready for a big boy bed. Months later. Nope. So Yes, our son began sleeping in our bed. Very happily AND he would sleep soundly all night long. Of course, you shouldn't let your children sleep with you! Tell that to someone who doesn't have kids.

So. In looking at our home, at the now, that is our residence. I realized the boy was not even using his 'room' but to change clothes in, he was much happier in his play room, and our room. What a wasted space. All this has changed. In a whirlwind storm of re-decorating, organizing, throwing out what we did not need, boxing up things to donate and organizing things that we could sell in a grand daddy of all garage sales, it happened. My son's two rooms have been integrated into one, his magical nursery is now his magical room... and he is happy. For the last two days of naps and nights, he has slept in his bed. Maybe it didn't last all night, but at least he is close enough to us that he feels safe... and when he stumbles into our bed at 4am, it's a short walk.
The 'big boy' room has now become just that. Our musical equipment was scattered all through the house and since our studio/garage construction had been halted through the summer, with the heat being unbearable, all of our gear has been sitting unused. Now, we have an office/music space that is usable and air conditioned. All of a sudden we want to sing and play again, it seems all we needed was a little organization.
Since those two rooms felt so good, we kept going. We revamped our living room, moved some furniture around, brought the piano out of the playroom and into living room which is closer to the new studio, making it easier to record. And again, seeing it in the living room is very inviting for a family concert or two.
We brought in artwork that we had not seen for awhile, that had been covered up in the garage, creating a new life and new energy. I got rid of even more crap that I didn't need and I cleaned the heck out of everything else, so it felt shiny and new.
As I looked around, I smiled in exhilaration at my 'new' digs. Every room had a use and a purpose. Every room felt like it represented the now, that we are in, right now. I am so grateful for the right now, and I am not looking out 'there' to find happiness... I have everything I need. Now. And it's called home.
My closet is next.
I realized this fact the other day, when we were headed to the LA County fair and when we arrived it was closed for the day. I had spent so much time fantasizing on the picture of this perfect day, that I had created in my own mind, that when we finally arrived at the fairground gates and they told us the sad news, I felt like crying. It was like the little kid in me got so damn dissapointed, so utterly let down, that I had to stop and steady myself before my little boy could see his Mommy throw a tizzy. Thankfully for me, my son was asleep and really had no idea what the 'fair' was, so it was only my husband and I that had to realize, our entire day was not going as we had dreamed.
Instead of wallowing in despair, we decided that we still had control of our future and that we would go to the Long Beach aquarium instead. We knew our son would be just as excited to wake up to the fishes, as he would the fairgrounds, which he of course he was... and all was right in our world once again.
But it got me thinking. Instead of looking outside for the things that we need, things that will satisfy us in some way. Things, or places that we build up in our minds. Instead of all that out 'there', I have decided that I'm looking within. I'm noticing all that we have, in this very moment, in this very place, to enjoy. It is Fall anyways, so it's time to clean house, rediscover what you already have and get rid of the things that you don't use, things that you don't need anymore.
Our biggest problem in our home was that our sweet son had spilled over into three rooms. One being his nursery, that we had created for him before he was born. A magical room filled with musical tree's, one made by each of his parents, that connect in the middle to create a new sprout. This room is directly off our bedroom and it served us well as his nursery, him being so close to us. Once he turned One, we decided that he should have a 'big boy' room and turned one of our other bedrooms into his new room, keeping the whimsical room as a play room of sorts for him as well.
Now, it was about that time that our son decided that he no longer wanted to sleep in his crib, but wanted to sleep with us in our bed. Ohhhhhhhh Nooooooo.
Ohhhhhhh Yessssss. How can you say no to a face like this? I really did try though. For months, I would bring him back to his new big boy room. But, he didn't like it. We thought maybe he had outgrown his crib. That he was ready for a big boy bed. Months later. Nope. So Yes, our son began sleeping in our bed. Very happily AND he would sleep soundly all night long. Of course, you shouldn't let your children sleep with you! Tell that to someone who doesn't have kids.

So. In looking at our home, at the now, that is our residence. I realized the boy was not even using his 'room' but to change clothes in, he was much happier in his play room, and our room. What a wasted space. All this has changed. In a whirlwind storm of re-decorating, organizing, throwing out what we did not need, boxing up things to donate and organizing things that we could sell in a grand daddy of all garage sales, it happened. My son's two rooms have been integrated into one, his magical nursery is now his magical room... and he is happy. For the last two days of naps and nights, he has slept in his bed. Maybe it didn't last all night, but at least he is close enough to us that he feels safe... and when he stumbles into our bed at 4am, it's a short walk.
The 'big boy' room has now become just that. Our musical equipment was scattered all through the house and since our studio/garage construction had been halted through the summer, with the heat being unbearable, all of our gear has been sitting unused. Now, we have an office/music space that is usable and air conditioned. All of a sudden we want to sing and play again, it seems all we needed was a little organization.
Since those two rooms felt so good, we kept going. We revamped our living room, moved some furniture around, brought the piano out of the playroom and into living room which is closer to the new studio, making it easier to record. And again, seeing it in the living room is very inviting for a family concert or two.
We brought in artwork that we had not seen for awhile, that had been covered up in the garage, creating a new life and new energy. I got rid of even more crap that I didn't need and I cleaned the heck out of everything else, so it felt shiny and new.

My closet is next.
My Hubby sweats hearts
I love showing this other side of Tony. What most people see is him playing guitar in our band, but I like to show the real man. What's inside. Even doing yard work his goodness drips through.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Save your pennies for a rainy day
Ok, so it's not exactly raining, but this is my story anyways...
For years we have diligently put all our pennies, dimes and nickles into this giant empty Coppola wine bottle. We always keep our quarters separate in a smaller jar, which we use as our bi-monthly fun day cash fund. It has been just something we do, something silly and fun, something that in all honesty we forget about.
About two days ago we noticed that the LA County fair had come to town and thought that might be a fun, family day excursion. Since we have been traveling so much this summer, all our extra fun money had been spent on lots of good times over the months. We are not people who like to pay by credit, which has served us well over the years... we pay cash for everything and then it's ours, with no repercussions or hidden fee's. So, that being said, we were just gonna have to wait a week or so to do the fair... and that is when we noticed our coin jar.
We began to laugh at each other as we tried to figure out how much we would need for our fair day fun and how much we thought was in the bottle. As we poured it out into two bags, Tony guessed high and I guessed low. (better to be surprised I figured) Then we headed for the nearest Coinstar. Sadly it seemed to be everyone's idea and we had to hit three different stores before finding a machine that was not out of order.
As the coins began to clank down into the gulping counter my mind began to whirl. What if there was more than we thought? What if a few dozen quarter were actually mixed in and our amount exceeded all expectations?? As I watched the counter begin to climb, I started to smile in realization that my guess was going to be one hell of a lot closer than Tony's.

My son was patient all the way through the long process because I kept telling him about the fair, the chickens and goats and cows, the booths that daddy will try to win him a prize at, the lights and rides and fried food he will get to eat. As I watched the counter hit $100 bucks I knew we were buying our tickets and having a great day.
I am happy to say that all of our saving gave us a rich abundance of cash. We were pretty excited at our windfall. 31 Quarters, 894 dimes, 447 nickles and 1,797 pennies. Of course we actually saved $137.47, but the machine needs to eat too, so we brought home $124 big buckeroos! Damn, that is some serious change.
We decided to switch up our tactics for the coming years and to save up all our quarters too. Yes, it's good to have a savings account, a couple Roth IRA's, a 401K, life insurance and such... but don't forget to save up a few nickles as well. They might just take you to the fair.
Happy Saving!
Tommie V
For years we have diligently put all our pennies, dimes and nickles into this giant empty Coppola wine bottle. We always keep our quarters separate in a smaller jar, which we use as our bi-monthly fun day cash fund. It has been just something we do, something silly and fun, something that in all honesty we forget about.
About two days ago we noticed that the LA County fair had come to town and thought that might be a fun, family day excursion. Since we have been traveling so much this summer, all our extra fun money had been spent on lots of good times over the months. We are not people who like to pay by credit, which has served us well over the years... we pay cash for everything and then it's ours, with no repercussions or hidden fee's. So, that being said, we were just gonna have to wait a week or so to do the fair... and that is when we noticed our coin jar.
We began to laugh at each other as we tried to figure out how much we would need for our fair day fun and how much we thought was in the bottle. As we poured it out into two bags, Tony guessed high and I guessed low. (better to be surprised I figured) Then we headed for the nearest Coinstar. Sadly it seemed to be everyone's idea and we had to hit three different stores before finding a machine that was not out of order.
As the coins began to clank down into the gulping counter my mind began to whirl. What if there was more than we thought? What if a few dozen quarter were actually mixed in and our amount exceeded all expectations?? As I watched the counter begin to climb, I started to smile in realization that my guess was going to be one hell of a lot closer than Tony's.

My son was patient all the way through the long process because I kept telling him about the fair, the chickens and goats and cows, the booths that daddy will try to win him a prize at, the lights and rides and fried food he will get to eat. As I watched the counter hit $100 bucks I knew we were buying our tickets and having a great day.
I am happy to say that all of our saving gave us a rich abundance of cash. We were pretty excited at our windfall. 31 Quarters, 894 dimes, 447 nickles and 1,797 pennies. Of course we actually saved $137.47, but the machine needs to eat too, so we brought home $124 big buckeroos! Damn, that is some serious change.
We decided to switch up our tactics for the coming years and to save up all our quarters too. Yes, it's good to have a savings account, a couple Roth IRA's, a 401K, life insurance and such... but don't forget to save up a few nickles as well. They might just take you to the fair.
Happy Saving!
Tommie V
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