Seems I have not been around lately. Yes, it seems that way since my last post was over a month ago. Where have I been? Oh, I've been around. It seems that when one of my creative juices are flowing, that is the only juice I drink. It must be a time management thing, because I do think about writing a little blog now and then... I find myself smiling to myself about some witty banter that I have moving through my mind, and I think- 'Oh I must write this down because it is so funny and would make a lot of people laugh.' And then the moment is gone and I am on to the next day.
I have been writing though, just in other ways- right now I am writing songs. I realize it must work like that for me... especially now that I am a Mommy. Time Management. This Mommy thing is really different and I am realizing that all the things that I used to do effortlessly must now be done with a lot of effort. The baby is getting so active that I am chasing or playing with him from dusk till dawn, so when I get a free moment I need to focus on the task at hand, and as of right now that is music.
We have 11 songs that we are recording at home as pre-production before we send them off to the drummer and begin tracking them for reals. We had a huge spurt of writing, and I had lyrics for songs just flowing like water, so that being said it is really all I have time for right now, but it is making me immensely happy. It feels so good to sing and play again, and I realize how rusty I am too. Your voice needs to work out, just like your body, or else you get rusty and dusty and very squishy- and I am enjoying getting all the kinks out once again. These songs are different too- we are in such a lovely space that our music is really reflecting all of it and I cannot wait until the album is done, even though I know we are at least 3 or 4 months away from all that, but I am just enjoying the process.
Our son is helping in every way with the recording too, he helps pick out Mic's, wrap up cables, play the bass, I even had to hold him while I sang vocals yesterday, what a trip that was for me- but I didn't hold back and I just belted it out and he fell asleep in my arms while I did take after take... every time I tried to put him to sleep in his crib he would cry until I would hold him and sing again- he is very stubborn and does not want to miss out on any of the action. What a funny little guy he is.
So that's it, that's the update. I cannot believe I got to type this much, and I am sure I forgot to say something witty or funny, but hey I added a funny photo instead.
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