Goodbye 2012. I'm really glad the world did not end this year because I still have lots to do and couldn't make that December 21st deadline.
When I begin to recall the year, at first I cannot escape the last few months. The affects still have a hold of me. The holidays have a way of doing that to me. But if I allow myself to move past all the tinsel and wrapping paper, past the horrific shootings at Sandy Hook that seem to haunt me daily, past the election craziness, and the pumpkins and skeletons of Halloween... I begin to remember the past year in it's entirety.
My year began with creativity. As an author I had to focus on editing my book, gaining reviewers, and shooting a video teaser for the novel that would be published in April of 2012. As a musician it was all about recording an album, making a music video and the release of the best album I have ever been a part of, 'The Lovers' by Wall of Tom was released in May of 2012.
Then came lots of promotions, interviews, and PR surrounding 'This Rock in My Heart' release and I happily did my first book signing in Los Angeles. That seemed to take up most of my time in the early summer, and now that I am working on my second novel, 'This Roll in My Soul', and it will take up most of my creative time till it's release in the fall of 2013.
As a Mommy I had a spectacular year with my son, and watching him grow gives me so much joy daily. I love to review the past year in photos just to see all the wonderful changes that he has gone through. As a family we did a lot of traveling to our favorite getaway Santa Ynez, during the summer and fall. We even fancied the idea of moving there, but it seems not to be the path we are on at the moment since Los Angeles was not quite done with us yet.
We lost our beloved kitty in November and the healing is still happening every day. He watches over us and we feel him everywhere, we missed him greatly over the holidays but somehow I believe he is with us, if only in our hearts.
Looking to 2013 I see a lot of exciting things happening, a few are cooking at this moment and I cannot wait to share the news as soon as I can. I have a lot of work to do, but I am going to create some time for learning as well. I do have goals, very concrete goals, some with deadlines, some just for my own well being. One is that I really want to take my yoga practice to the next level, and look forward to deepening my practice, giving it more time in my busy schedule. Of course I want to complete my second book, but I still want to focus on getting the word out with creative PR on my first book. I want to continue with my 'Readers of the Rock' campaign, and I've got a few doozies up my sleeve for the new year. Music wise, I would love love to play some shows and get my butt back up on stage before I forget how to do what I love to do.
I am so thankful for my beautiful family, my husband who I get to laugh with and love every day, for my son who lights up my world like the brightest star on top of my Christmas tree. I am so thankful for my Father and Mother who are still alive and kicking ass, my ass when needed, but your love is always constant, and your laughter fills my soul. My sister who inspires me with her strength and passion for living, her four gorgeous children- my niece and three nephews, my first loves, who are more like adults now than kids, but I enjoy all their ups and downs like they were my own. My step Mother who always lends a loving ear, more like my friend than parent, and to my second family, on my husbands side who are the most loving and supportive second family anyone could ever ask for. Lastly I am so truly grateful for my tribe. My beautiful friends whom I cherish deeply, through all my connections in life I have been so fortunate to come across some incredible souls... and even if we don't get to be together on a daily basis, you all are with me in my heart, and that is why it beats so strongly. I am truly blessed.
So here is to 2013, I'm gonna do my damnedest to make it one hell of a goody, and I hope you will do the same thing. Chase your dreams, where ever they will take you. Follow the light of happiness for it will lead you to places of true joy. And never give up, no matter what the odds. Life is about living it to your fullest potential. Love to your deepest capacity, and never forget to tell those around you that you love them. Our moments are precious, Cherish every one. Happy New Year Everyone!!
Happy New Years my dear friend. I look forward to sharing the adventures 2013 has for us.